目前分類:未分類文章 (1203)
- Oct 19 Fri 2018 12:24
「蘋果比谷歌厲害」 Google翻譯神AI讓網友笑翻
- Oct 18 Thu 2018 18:55
- Oct 18 Thu 2018 06:41
億載金城英譯名 市府鬧雙包
- Oct 17 Wed 2018 21:23
- Oct 17 Wed 2018 12:10
交通部修法 華語導遊配翻譯可帶東南亞團
- Oct 17 Wed 2018 03:07
- Oct 16 Tue 2018 18:10
七夕戀人節歡愉,英文怎麼說? @ George的英語教室
- Oct 16 Tue 2018 09:19
「只准同性戀進入」?師大宿舍翻譯鬧笑話 網友看熱烈
英文翻譯真的很主要,否則會造成很多誤解!師範大學第宅校區近期一張公告在網路上瘋傳,校方原意為「只限同性訪客會客」,但英文翻譯卻為「 only allow homosexual (只准同性戀進入)」,與校方的原意差很大,網友笑稱「歧視異性戀?」
- Oct 15 Mon 2018 23:37
- Oct 15 Mon 2018 12:25
- Oct 15 Mon 2018 01:25
GoPro HERO 7 Black開箱速覽
- Oct 14 Sun 2018 06:42
[接頭] excite的網頁翻譯功能是否是沒了?
- Oct 14 Sun 2018 04:00
翻譯漫畫涉違著作權法 陸5留學生在日被捕
- Oct 13 Sat 2018 18:05
語內翻譯一例 @ Asesi Garden
- Oct 13 Sat 2018 09:19
- Oct 12 Fri 2018 23:38
一帶一路變「一公路一腰帶」 騰訊AI翻譯出洋相
- Oct 12 Fri 2018 21:31
- Oct 12 Fri 2018 21:02
1. A party disclosing Information hereunder is referred to as the “Discloser”. A party receiving Information hereunder is referred to as the “Recipient”. Each party acknowledges and agrees that the other is disclosing certain information which may be in oral翻譯社 visual翻譯社 written or other tangible form which by its nature commercially deems proprietary and/or confidential, including翻譯社 but not limited to, the following types of information and other information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing): discoveries翻譯社 ideas, inventions, concepts, software in any and all states of development, designs, drawings, product specifications, techniques翻譯社 compilations翻譯社 methods翻譯社 models, prototype, schematics翻譯社 data, source code, object code, source listings, program listings, documentation, diagrams, flow charts, research, development, processes, procedures翻譯社 formulae, trade secrets翻譯社 know-how翻譯社 marketing techniques and materials, market analyses, information and development plans翻譯社 business plans and strategies, customer names, project names and other information related to customers, supplier lists, price lists翻譯社 pricing policies and other proprietary rights(Information). Information shall include the fact that the Discussions are taking or have taken or may take place, the status thereof and all terms, conditions and facts relating to翻譯社 or arising from, the Discussions.
- Oct 12 Fri 2018 21:02
1. A party disclosing Information hereunder is referred to as the “Discloser”. A party receiving Information hereunder is referred to as the “Recipient”. Each party acknowledges and agrees that the other is disclosing certain information which may be in oral翻譯社 visual翻譯社 written or other tangible form which by its nature commercially deems proprietary and/or confidential, including翻譯社 but not limited to, the following types of information and other information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing): discoveries翻譯社 ideas, inventions, concepts, software in any and all states of development, designs, drawings, product specifications, techniques翻譯社 compilations翻譯社 methods翻譯社 models, prototype, schematics翻譯社 data, source code, object code, source listings, program listings, documentation, diagrams, flow charts, research, development, processes, procedures翻譯社 formulae, trade secrets翻譯社 know-how翻譯社 marketing techniques and materials, market analyses, information and development plans翻譯社 business plans and strategies, customer names, project names and other information related to customers, supplier lists, price lists翻譯社 pricing policies and other proprietary rights(Information). Information shall include the fact that the Discussions are taking or have taken or may take place, the status thereof and all terms, conditions and facts relating to翻譯社 or arising from, the Discussions.