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* 本查詢拜訪效果顯示國內自由口譯員約53位,接管接見並順遂完成者共38位


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簡體翻繁體翻譯社作為一個日文盲, 我經常使用「excite翻譯」的網頁翻譯功能, 去翻譯小說家網站上的小說來看翻譯 但比來利用網頁翻譯, 只會看到「無法連上這個網站」。 不知道是我本身的網路問題, 照樣excite那兒不供應網頁翻譯功能了。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N9208. -- #1PgaVtu1 (C_ChatBM) #1QCFacrl (C_Chat)


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對此,騰訊方面回應「確實呈現了毛病」「答錯了幾道題」,至於「一帶一路」翻譯毛病是因為嘉賓說反順序「the belt and road」,致使機器翻譯有誤。


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(わか)いと誰(だれ)もが 不管哪個年輕女子


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1.   A party disclosing Information hereunder is referred to as the “Discloser”. A party receiving Information hereunder is referred to as the “Recipient”. Each party acknowledges and agrees that the other is disclosing certain information which may be in oral翻譯社 visual翻譯社 written or other tangible form which by its nature commercially deems proprietary and/or confidential, including翻譯社 but not limited to, the following types of information and other information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing): discoveries翻譯社 ideas, inventions, concepts, software in any and all states of development, designs, drawings, product specifications, techniques翻譯社 compilations翻譯社 methods翻譯社 models,  prototype, schematics翻譯社 data, source code, object code, source listings, program listings, documentation, diagrams, flow charts, research, development, processes, procedures翻譯社 formulae, trade secrets翻譯社 know-how翻譯社 marketing techniques and materials, market analyses, information and development plans翻譯社 business plans and strategies, customer names, project names and other information related to customers, supplier lists, price lists翻譯社 pricing policies and other proprietary rights(Information).  Information shall include the fact that the Discussions are taking or have taken or may take place, the status thereof and all terms, conditions and facts relating to翻譯社 or arising from, the Discussions. 


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1.   A party disclosing Information hereunder is referred to as the “Discloser”. A party receiving Information hereunder is referred to as the “Recipient”. Each party acknowledges and agrees that the other is disclosing certain information which may be in oral翻譯社 visual翻譯社 written or other tangible form which by its nature commercially deems proprietary and/or confidential, including翻譯社 but not limited to, the following types of information and other information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing): discoveries翻譯社 ideas, inventions, concepts, software in any and all states of development, designs, drawings, product specifications, techniques翻譯社 compilations翻譯社 methods翻譯社 models,  prototype, schematics翻譯社 data, source code, object code, source listings, program listings, documentation, diagrams, flow charts, research, development, processes, procedures翻譯社 formulae, trade secrets翻譯社 know-how翻譯社 marketing techniques and materials, market analyses, information and development plans翻譯社 business plans and strategies, customer names, project names and other information related to customers, supplier lists, price lists翻譯社 pricing policies and other proprietary rights(Information).  Information shall include the fact that the Discussions are taking or have taken or may take place, the status thereof and all terms, conditions and facts relating to翻譯社 or arising from, the Discussions. 


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