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翻譯華航低調揭露A350-900座艙配置及首批航點 Cabin Layout 1. A350-900: 32C+31PE+242Y=306 seats (加總明明就是305座,這裡暫時忠於原文的306座) Routes 1. TPE-BKK (短程練功) 2. TPE-VIE, TPE-DEL-FCO 3. TPE-YYZ (Toronto) 4. 2017交機的A359, 則派到紐澳,及夏威夷航線; 並研究其他潛在航點如 London, Seattle or Houston. FYI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://tinyurl.com/mqnl7cv http://www.air-journal.fr/ 2015-05-25-china-airlines-lairbus-a350-a-bangkok-vienne-et-rome-5144615.html 以下由法文 via Goolge Translate 轉成英文 Published May 25, 2015 at 14:00 by Olivier Nilsson The airline company China Airlines has unveiled the first destinations of its future Airbus A350-900: they will first deployed between Taipei and Bangkok, before taking the road to Vienna and Rome via Delhi, and later fly to Toronto . The president of the Taiwanese flag carrier HsiangSun Huang, the first of 14 A350-900s ordered farms (plus six options) to enter service next year, unveiled their first routes at a press conference. Four copies must be delivered in the third quarter 2016, the first line to benefit being that linking the airport to Taipei Taoyuan to Bangkok-Suvarnabhumi. Then will come the roads to Vienna International (live) or Rome via Delhi and then to the Toronto Pearson. Six other A350 should join the fleet of China Airlines in 2017, and the last four in 2018; they should be sent to Auckland via Sydney or Brisbane to Honolulu. Also studied the likely destinations radius of action of A350, like London, Seattle or Houston (recall that China Airlines does not serve Paris, unlike its rival EVA Air). The A350-900 company of the SkyTeam alliance will be built to accommodate 32 passengers in business class, 31 in premium class and 242 in Economy class, or 306 seats in total. They initially replace five A340-300 still operated by China Airlines.

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