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本人目前因應有 翻譯國家 翻譯APP在台灣並不銷售 翻譯公司

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印尼消防人員和同僚聯繫,討論如何處理泥炭地火災。 美聯社
印尼消防人員和同僚聯繫,討論如何處理泥炭地火災 翻譯社 美聯社
a keeper of carbon is at risk

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【INTEL】NUC DC3217IYE 迷你電腦(三年保固)

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【SEIKO】SPIRIT 忍者太陽能計時腕錶(V175-0AV0SD藍SBPY055G) ◎將調漲◎

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【SEIKO】SPIRIT 忍者太陽能計時腕錶(V175-0AV0SD藍SBPY055G)

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韓文口譯9/4-9/10 你和某人間的爭執可能會導致彼此嚴重分歧。 這人你已熟識許久,也許是家人或認識已久的好友。 你或許會認為是你們的分歧導致這段關係決裂, 但事實上,金牛,這是你早已預見的結果,不是嗎? 這禮拜,你有機會與這個人和好,但在回到從前無止盡的循環前, 你需要評估你和他的關係,有些問題需要考量。 以這個問題來說,你們各自扮演什麼樣的角色? 你們是否有適當溝通、嘗試了解彼此想法?這段關係能否修補? 如果不行,且他總在該出現時缺席,那麼也許是時候放手了。 這週不全然令人緊張,可能會有工作機會和一些令你開心的好消息。 A conversation that turned into an argument may create a large divide between you and someone else. This may be a person you have known forever - such as a family member or a long-time friend. You may see this as the thing that finally pushes this relationship over the edge. But in reality, Taurus, this has been a long time coming - hasn't it? This week, you may have chances to reconcile with this person, but before getting back on that merry-go-round, you need to do some assessment - of yourself and of your relationship with this individual. There are certain questions you need to consider. What is your role in this problem, and what is the other person's role? Are you two communicating properly and understanding each other? Is this fixable? If it isn't, and this person is not there for you as they should be, it may be time to let it go. But this week isn't all intense. You may have a job opportunity this week, as well as some good news from a very happy source. -- 9月 金牛,你可能不太能理解最近某段關係。 這不是你的錯,你還不清楚這樣的關係能帶來多大的影響。 但無論是工作夥伴或新朋友,還有很多等著你發掘的事。 找些方法加深對這個人的了解,你可能會發現你們的目標有些共同利益。 一旦你發現了,便會增加成功的潛能。 其他方面而言,金牛九月也非常幸運。 若想著手於新的事業或找尋新的工作機會,本月是個完美的時間點,好運會自動找上門。 亦有不動產方面獲得好運的可能性,指的可能是賣房、買房、或開始進入這些程序。 You may not be getting as much out of a recent connection as you could, Taurus. This probably is not your fault; you may not even realize how much more this connection can offer you. But whether this is a business partner or a new friendship, there is a lot more to be discovered. Find ways to learn more about this individual, and you may learn that there is at least one important goal where your interests overlap. Once you make this discovery, you could increase your potential for success exponentially. September could be very lucky for you in other ways too. If you wish to embark on a new career or explore a business opportunity, this is the perfect time because this kind of luck is seeking you out right now. There are also possibilities for good fortune on the real estate front - that could translate to selling a home, buying a home, or beginning that process. -- 如有誤翻請指正,謝謝 拜託9月別繼續倒楣了QQ

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Google 已研發出可在對話中即時翻譯的裝置,在某些情況下表現接近完美

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