FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
If this didnt help then make sure the CPU isnt missing , is seated properly and not damaged. Check the CPU in another board or check another CPU in this board to make sure the CPU is fine. Check if the cpu is seated properly and the pads and pins are clean and make good contact with each other, and make sure the socket is fastened well and the heatsink is seated properly.
41 Intel memory configuration and testing code
42 Intel memory configuration and testing code
If the Board powers on with all fans spinning and all LEDs running and the DEBUG Display hangs at FF, then the board is either working fine but you cant see it, or the boards BIOS is messed up. First hit the Num Lock and CAPSLOCK keys on your keyboard and check if the respective LEDs on your Keyboard turn on and off when hitting them.
FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
If you get the above POST code it means the initial memory configuration and testing procedure passed, but there was a problem when setting up the clockgen and the system clocks. Check your system settings 翻譯公司 load the optimized defaults, if these tips dont help search the foxconn support section for topics/threads about the same or similar hardware you are using.
E0 Cant detect SPD/memory
43 Intel memory configuration and testing code
44 Intel memory configuration and testing code
45 Intel memory configuration and testing code
46 Intel memory configuration and testing code
47 Intel memory configuration and testing code
48 Intel memory configuration and testing code
49 Intel memory configuration and testing code
50 Intel memory configuration and testing code
51 Intel memory configuration and testing code
52 Intel memory configuration and testing code
54 Intel memory configuration and testing code (54 with beeping, check detailled description on the top)
81 Intel memory configuration and testing code
82 Intel memory configuration and testing code
84 Intel memory configuration and testing code
90 Intel memory configuration and testing code
91 Intel memory configuration and testing code
If the Motherboards powers on, displays FF for a couple of seconds with all fans spinning and the LEDs working and then restarts, the Motherboard is trying to detect the BIOS and read from it. This sometimes happens randomly when overclocking the mainboard, but if it happens several times in a row make sure the BIOS chips are seated properly and the right way around, the mark on the BIOS chip needs to face downwards. Another possible problem is that the BIOS is messed up as a result of a too high overclock or a bad BIOS flash. Power off the mainboard 翻譯公司 remove both BIOS chips and wait a few minutes, then put them back in and power the mainboard on again. Switch the BIOS chips around or change the BIOS select jumpers to boot from the other BIOS chip in case the initial one is corrupted.
Virtually the same as E0 翻譯公司 check E0 for a description.
Note that the FF code is also used by the memory configuration and testing procedure, check the POST Code description for A0 and following for details
When the system powers on and the Debug LED shows the usual POST code sequence but hangs on 2b or you get a beep code as soon as the sequence reaches 2b, then the Mainboard cant detect your Videocard properly. Note that the POST code sequence might not halt at 2b but continue, so the final POST Code it displays could be FF 翻譯公司 1E or 7F which means the Maiboard booted, entered BIOS, or OC recovery kicked in and is waiting for Input to enter BIOS. Since the Videocard couldnt be detected properly you will only see a black Monitor and either 2b, FF, 1E or 7F. Check if there is something wrong with the Videocard, the PCIE slot or BUS, the Monitor or monitor cable. Turn the Monitor on and off 翻譯公司 switch the Monitor cable from one D-SUB or DVI plug to the other in case your Videocard has two. If this doesnt help then reboot and load the optimized defaults. If that doesnt help either try another Videocard if possible 翻譯公司 or try the Videocard in another system to make sure its working properly. Try another monitor or try the Monitor on another System.
CB Base memory Test fail/error
C5 Call chipset hook to copy BIOS back to E000 & F000 in shadow
80 or FF are the codes the board shows under normal operation.
FF Test CMOS R/W functionality (FF is used for several steps, see further down in the list)
C1 Detect memory, Auto-detection of DRAM size, type and ECC, Auto-detection of L2 cache
28 Intel memory configuration and testing code
29 Intel memory configuration and testing code
30 Intel memory configuration and testing code
31 Intel memory configuration and testing code
32 Intel memory configuration and testing code
CA Base memory Test
Your in the BIOS right now 翻譯公司 if you cant see the BIOS cause your Display stays black 翻譯公司 please check the description for POST Code 2b.
no LED all fans spinning
CF Test CMOS R/W functionality
no LED all fans spinning PWM cant get enough juice
Note that some of the Intel Chipset memory configuration and testing procedure Codes (BLUE) are identical to some of the Award POST Codes. The BIOS cannot translate those Codes and just forwards them 翻譯公司 but from the context it should be clear what a Code means even if there are two possible interpretations.
Detailled list of Award BIOS Port80 and Intel X38/X48 POST Codes:
This is the sequence of POST codes you should see when booting up, note that some of them only flash on for a fraction of a second
FF with beeping
FF then reboot
FF hangs with all fans spinning
Note that the FF code is also used by the memory configuration and testing procedure, check the POST Code description for A0 and following for details
Award & Intel Debug Codes:
下面會蒐集一些Post Code在這篇文章裡面,供給給有需要 翻譯伴侶一路分享,若有主機板利用除錯卡的心得,也接待在此頁分享一下,提供給眾主機板苦主 翻譯社
This POST Code is a part of the above initial memory configuration and testing Codes, but If the Debug LEDs display 54 with a lot of beeping, it might be something else. When you apply new settings in BIOS and hit save and exit you might get this error. It doesnt NECESSARILY mean that the settings you tried to apply dont work. Keep the power button pressed for 4 seconds to shut the board down - wait 10 seconds - then power the board on again. OC revocery will kick in 翻譯公司 enter BIOS but just hit "save and exit" and see if the settings work now. If you get error 54 with beeps again the settings your trying wont work, most likely cause the memory cant take it. Check if the set of memory has been tested by us or any other user 翻譯公司 search for topics/threads in the foxconn section about this set of memory to see how other users are configuring it.
When your system hangs and the Debug LEDs show C5 your memory or the chipset is most likely not stable at this setting.Check if the set of memory has been tested by us or any other user, search for topics/threads in the foxconn section about this set of memory to see how other users are configuring it.
03 Initial Superio_Early_Init switch
05 Blank out screen, Clear CMOS error flag
07 Clear 8042 interface, Initialize 8042 self-test
08 Test special keboard controller for Winbond 977 series superIO chips, enable keyboard interface
0A Detect PS/2 mouse/keyboard
0E Test F000h segment shadow to see whether it is R/W-able or not. If test fails, use onboard speaker alarm
0h Expand the Xgroup codes locating in pysical address 1000:0
10 Auto detect flash type to load appropiate flash R/W codes into the run time area in F000 for ESCD & DMI support
12 Use walking 1's algorythm to check out interface in CMOS circuitry, Set real-time clock power status 翻譯公司 and then check for override
14 Program chipset default values into chipet. Chipset default values are MODBINable by OEM customers
16 Initial Early_Init_Onboard_Generator switch
18 Detect CPU and Cache, (initialize L1 Cache?)
1B Initial interupts vector table. If no special specified 翻譯公司 all H/W interupts are directed to SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR & S/W interrupts to SPURIOUS_soft_HDLR
1D Initial EARLY_PM_INIT switch
1E Finished Loading BIOS Menu
1F Load keyboard matrix (notebook platform)
21 HPM initialization (notebook platform)
23 Check validity of RTC value: e.g. a value of 5Ah is an invalid value for RTC minute. Load CMOS settings into BIOS stack. If CMOS checksum fails, use the default values instead. Prepare BIOS resource map for PCI & PnP use. If ESCD is valid, take into consideration of the ESCD's legacy information. Onboard clock generator initialization. Disable respective clock resource to empty PCI & DIMM slots. Early PCI initialization: Enumerate PCI bus number, Assign memory & I/O resource, search for valid VGA device & VGA BIOS and put it into C000:0
27 Initialize INT 09 buffer
29 Program CPU internal MTRR (P6 & PII) for 0-640K memory address, Initialize the APIC for Pentium class CPU, Program early chipset according to CMOS setup (onboard IDE controller etc), Measure CPU speed,
2b Invoke vga BIOS
2d VGA Bios loaded 翻譯公司 initializing display output, display VGA BIOS details, Award BIOS details, CPU type, CPU speed etc
33 Reset keyboard except Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips
3E Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 1
40 Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 2
43 Test 8259 functionality
47 Initialize EISA slot
49 Calculate total memory by testing the last double word of each 64K page
4E Program MTTR of M1 CPU, Initialize L2 cache for P6 class CPU & program CPU with proper cacheable range, Initialize the APIC for P6 class CPU, On MP platform, adjust the cacheable range to smaller one in case the cacheable ranges between each CPU are not identical.
50 Initialize USB
52 Test all memory (clear all extended memory to 0)
55 Display number of processors (multi-processor platform)
57 Display PnP logo, Early ISA PnP initialization, Assign CSN to every ISA PnP device
59 Initialize the combined Trend Anti-Virus code
5B (Optional Feature) Show message for entering AWDFLASH.EXE from FDD
5D Initialize Init_Onboard_Super_IO switch 翻譯公司 Initialize Init_Onboard_AUDIO switch
60 Okay to enter Setup utility, users can not enter the CMOS setup utility before this POST stage
65 Initialize PS/2 Mouse
67 Prepare memory size information for function call: INT 15h ax=E820h
69 power on l2 cache
6B Program chipset registers according to items described in Setup & Auto-configuration table
6D assign resources to all ISA PnP devices, Auto asign ports to onboard COM ports if the corresponding item in Setup is set to "AUTO"
6F initialize floppy controller, set up floppy related fields in 40:hardware
73 (Optional feature) Enter AWDFLASH.EXE if: AWDFLASH is found in floppy drive 翻譯公司 or, ALT+F2 is pressed
75 detect & install all IDE devices: HDD, LS120 翻譯公司 ZIP, CDROM etc
77 detect serial ports & parallel ports
7A detect & install co-processors
7F Switch back to text mode if full screen logo is supported. If error occur, report errors & wait for keys. If no errors occur or F1 key is pressed to contine: Clear EPA or customization logo, On FOXCONN boards: OC recovery kicked in, waiting for input to enter BIOS (if your monitor stays black check if the board beeped during POST code 2b, if yes see POST code 2b)
80 Normal operation of the board after bootup
82 Call chipset power management hook 翻譯公司 Recover the text fond used by EPA logo (not the fullscreen logo)
83 Save all data in stack back to CMOS
84 initialize ISA PnP boot devices
85 USB final initialiation 翻譯公司 NET PC: Build SYSID structure, switch screen back to text mode 翻譯公司 set up ACPI table at top of memory 翻譯公司 Invoke ISA adapter ROMs 翻譯公司 Assign IRQs to PCI Devices 翻譯公司 Initialize APM 翻譯公司 Clear noise of IRQs
93 read hdd boot sector information for trend anti-virus code
94 enable L2 cache 翻譯公司 program boot up speed 翻譯公司 chipet final initialization 翻譯公司 power management final initialization, clear screen & display summary table 翻譯公司 program K6 compatible write allocation, program P6 class compatible write combining
95 program daylight saving 翻譯公司 update keyboard LED & typematic rate
96 build MP table, build & update ESCD, set CMOS century to 20h or 19h, load CMOSD time into DOS timer tick 翻譯公司 build MSIRQ routing table
C3 Expand compressed BIOS codes to DRAM
A1 Finished Intel memory configuration and testing code, going into ClockGen
37 Intel memory configuration and testing code
38 Intel memory configuration and testing code
39 Intel memory configuration and testing code
40 Intel memory configuration and testing code
FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
33 Intel memory configuration and testing code
34 Intel memory configuration and testing code
35 Intel memory configuration and testing code
36 Intel memory configuration and testing code
FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
A0 and anything from 03 until 91
If the Mainboard hangs during this bootup phase then its most likely a memory related problem. Please check the settings your tried and load the optimized defaults. Check if the set of memory has been tested by us or any other user, search for topics/threads in the foxconn section about this set of memory to see how other users are configuring it. During this phase of bootup the Level 2 cache is detected as well 翻譯公司 if the CPU is overclocked or damaged or misconfigured it might trigger this POST Code as well. If the problem doesnt seem to be memory related for you 翻譯公司 then search for topics/threads from other users who are using the same CPU and check how they are configuring it. If possible check another CPU in this Mainboard or check the same CPU in another Mainboard to make sure its running fine.
Award BIOS 自我測試Post Code
比來接到一堆沒法開機、也沒有螢幕顯示 翻譯主機板,恰好想到之前從事維修工作時,有使用過Debug卡(除錯卡)的經驗,所以就買了一片來用,有愛好的人可以看看:http://search.ruten.com.tw/search/s000.php?searchfrom=searchbar&k=除錯卡&t=0
The most common Debug codes 翻譯公司 what they mean, and how to work with them.
B) If they dont, then the System is stuck at the very early initializaton phase. This could mean that the BIOS is messed up or there is something wrong with the Mainboard or CPU. Turn off the board, remove both BIOS chips for a few minutes, then put them back and power the board on again. Switch the BIOS chips around or change the BIOS select jumpers to boot from the other BIOS chip in case the initial one is corrupted. If this doesnt help either contact me or Lardarse of the Foxconn tech support.
A) If they do, then the System is working but you cant see anything on the display for some reason. Check if there is something wrong with the Videocard, the PCIE slot or BUS, the Monitor or monitor cable. Turn the Monitor on and off, switch the Monitor cable from one D-SUB or DVI plug to the other in case your Videocard has two. If this doesnt help then reboot and load the optimized defaults. If that doesnt help either try another Videocard if possible, or try the Videocard in another system to make sure its working properly. Try another monitor or try the Monitor on another System.
When you get this error message the Mainboard cant detect the memory SPD 翻譯公司 the memory itselft 翻譯公司 or there was some problem while reading from the SPD. Shut down the Mainboard and make sure the memory is seated properly. Load the optimized defaults 翻譯公司 if this doesnt help then try one stick of memory in slot1 or slot2 翻譯公司 if possible update the BIOS, try another SPD on your memory 翻譯公司 try another set of memory or try this set of memory in another system.
FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
If your problem isnt described in this list or the tips listed here dont help you, send a private message to Lardarse or me, or contact the Foxconn tech support. Before you do so, please search the foxconn section here on xs to see if anybody else has the same or a similar problem and post in that topic/thread or open your own topic/thread.
These POST Codes are generated by the Award BIOS Kernel Core using the Port80 feedback from the CPU.
When the system detects that a critical error happened during the last boot attempt or several boot attempts failed 翻譯公司 so OC recovery kicked in. There should be a message displayed on the Display informing you that OC revocery kicked in and that its waiting for your input to enter BIOS. If you cant see this message cause your Display stays black, please check the description for POST Code 2b.
If the Board powers on with all fans spinning and all LEDs running but the DEBUG display doesnt display any POST codes and nothing else happens, then the PWM probably cant get enough juice. Check if the 8Pin 12V plug and the 24Pin ATX PSU power plugs are plugged in properly, make sure they dont bend too much or haven a lose cable. Check another PSU if possible. If nothing helps, power off the mainboard 翻譯公司 remove both BIOS chips and wait a few minutes 翻譯公司 then put them back in and power the mainboard on again. Make sure the BIOS chips are seated the right way around, the marks on the chips should face downwards.
FF Intel memory configuration and testing code
This Guide is intended for the Foxconn Blackops board, but the codes should be identical or very similar on all Mainboards with Award BIOSes.
If the Mainboard powers on with all fans spinning and all LEDs running 翻譯公司 but the Debug LED shows FF and you hear some beep codes, check if there is something wrong with the Videocard, the PCIE slot or BUS, the Monitor or monitor cable. Turn the Monitor on and off 翻譯公司 switch the Monitor cable from one D-SUB or DVI plug to the other in case your Videocard has two. If this doesnt help then reboot and load the optimized defaults. If that doesnt help either try another Videocard if possible, or try the Videocard in another system to make sure its working properly. Try another monitor or try the Monitor on another System.
03 Intel memory configuration and testing code
24 Intel memory configuration and testing code
26 Intel memory configuration and testing code
27 Intel memory configuration and testing code
Normal Boot Sequence:
54 with beeping
Note that the FF code is also used by the memory configuration and testing procedure, check the POST Code description for A0 and following for details
E1 Cant detect SPD/memory
除錯卡的道理是源自BIOS 翻譯開機自我檢測碼,BIOS在開機時,會進行連續串的自我檢測,並將檢測代碼傳至Int80,而『除錯卡』就是擷取Int80的訊號顯示在Led上,供除錯人員得知目前在檢測什麼部份,若順利完成開機的話,平日會跳到FF碼,若某部份一向跳不過去,則除錯卡就會停在今朝檢測 翻譯代碼上面,我們就很輕易可以透過代碼知道主機板是哪部份出了問題 翻譯社
FF booting (Int 19h) If the Debug LEDs show FF but the Display stays black, check the detailled description of POST code 2b on the top
A0 memory configuration and testing
If you get any of the above POST codes it means the initial memory configuration and testing procedure failed. Check if the set of memory has been tested by us or any other user, search for topics/threads in the foxconn section about this set of memory to see how other users are configuring it. Check the detailled POST Code list below for more details on he memory configuration and testing proecures POST Code sequence.
C0 Early chipset initialization, Disable shadow RAM, Disable L2 cache 翻譯公司 Program basic chipset registers
通常除錯卡會附手冊,如今的除錯卡應當都是大陸製,說明書為簡體,看不懂簡體字 翻譯人可能會很頭痛,其實就算我看簡體字沒有問題,看誰人仿單仍是很吃力,因為不是漏碼就是代碼與現實問題相差甚遠,只好在網路上找BIOS的Post Code來研究了。
本篇文章引用自此: http://blog.sina.com.tw/34246/article.php?entryid=583300有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社