[必]負 責 人:劉克振
[必]地 址:台北市內湖區瑞光路26巷20弄1號
[必]電 話:02-2792-7818
[選]傳 真:
[必]工作類型:三個月短期筆譯 行銷/手藝文件英翻日 共556。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯頁(含圖、表)
[必]全/兼職:兼職 **若徵得三位以上,工作時候則縮短為一個月**
[必]酬勞較量爭論:21 翻譯公司120元/月 **若徵得三位以上,酬勞為960/天**
[必]應徵條件:日本在台僑生 或 英文與日文精曉者、理工佈景佳
[必]應徵期限:越快越好 工作時代: 2013/07/01~2013/09/30
[必]聯 絡 人:Wendy
[必]聯絡體例:請email簡單履歷、試譯段落至[email protected]
Job Description:
- Translate Technical & Marketing Documents from English into Japanese
- Develop Web OP technical documents for Japanese customers
- Collaborate with cross regional Application Engineer & Marketing Members
to accumulate Web OP Technical Knowledge
- Flexible Working Time 翻譯公司 either work at home or in the office
This chapter describes how to set up data loggers for your application to
collect data, and how to configure the historicdisplay objects to display
the collected data.
A data logger can collect and store the values of a data block. You can
specify what data block you want to log, determinethe frequency of data
sampling, choose the type of memory to save the logged data, and specify
how to save the loggeddata to files.You can create up to 16 data loggers
for your application. The maximum size of the data block that can be
sampled by adata logger is 128 words.
以下文章來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/translator/M.1372253319.A.FCB.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社
- Jan 11 Thu 2018 03:33
[徵才] 專業文件英翻日