本職位需於加拿大蒙特婁長時間駐點,請確認本身有前往加拿大工作 翻譯意願再行送達履歷
[必]企業/組織全名:Enzyme Testing Labs Inc. ( http://www.enzyme.org/ )
[必]負 責 人:Martyne Malo
[必]地 址:2031 Cure-Labelle Boulevard 翻譯公司 Saint-Jerome 翻譯公司 Quebec, Canada
[必]電 話:1-450-995-2000
[選]傳 真:
[必]全/兼職:全職 (合約制,先簽一年,視專案需求及顯露或可續第二年)
[必]酬勞計算:$20.6 加幣/小時 (一週工時 40 小時)
We are actively looking for linguistic experts for one of our prestigious
international clients. You will be the reference of your language and have to
put your own seal of quality.
Enzyme is a privately held gaming company founded in 2002 and based in Quebec
/ Canada. From the beginning 翻譯公司 Enzyme decided to focus on video games only.
The organization has over 12 years of experience in group insurance testing
quality video games and discussion, with offices in Canada and Japan.
Linguistic test (10%)
* Review and adjust the game texts to identify and correct spelling, grammar,
punctuation and syntax to produce accurate texts;
* Validate the consistency of subtitles and audio so that the text elements are
consistent with the corresponding audio;
* Identify cultural mistakes and propose relevant adjustments;
* Submit content, style or structure recommendations that adds value to written
and audio contents;
* Enter the linguistic bugs in the database according to the procedure.
Translation: (60%)
* Translate the text from English to Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) by
writing as closely as possible the content 翻譯公司 context and style of the original
* Translate the text of the game in accordance with the terminology of the game
and methodology of the client;
* Review and correct the texts translated by other translators.
Expert content - linguistic expert (30%)
* Perform comprehensive analysis of texts to validate understandability,
structure 翻譯公司 accuracy and adaptation for the recipients;
* Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect
to the terminology of the game and the client;
* Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect
to rules and spell nature and typographical conventions used in the
* Conduct terminological research in the field of video games to add to the
customer terminology bank games;
* Validate the translations and revisions produced by team members;
* Identify the major linguistic bugs and communicate them to the development
* Precisely and promptly respond to queries and questions;
* Compile and send statistics to the QA Lead so he can incorporate them into
the end of day report;
* Update and communicate checklists and "trackers" to the team;
* Train and supervise, if any, other testers and translators.
* Show good interpersonal communications;
* Demonstrate thoroughness;
* Have a strong sense of observation and attention to detail;
* Be able to work under pressure;
* Have experience in translation or revision of Traditional Chinese (from
Taiwan) (3-5 years);
* Have a degree in translation, literature or related field (an asset);
* Have a thorough knowledge of the cultural environment of the language market
for which the game is designed (must have left the cultural environment less
than three (3) months ago;
* Demonstrate the ability to work with different platforms and types of games;
* Good knowledge of Microsoft Word applications (Word, Excel, ...);
* Knowledge of the translation tool used by the client (asset);
* Mastering of the requested native language - spelling 翻譯公司 punctuation, style,
grammar, regionalisms;
* Mastering the English language both written and oral.
* Paid training;
* Competitive salary ($ 20.60 per hour);
* Insurance if eligible.
Project based position: the candidate must be available for a period of up to
2 years.
Selection tests will be sent to applicants to validate mastery of the
[必]聯 絡 人:Karine Theberge
[必]聯系體式格局:請將履歷寄到 [email protected]
1. 應徵者不需為加拿大公民,公司可協助申請 Work Permit
2. 本職缺需在客戶辦公室恒久駐點
3. 登科者須於來歲二月初報到
註:我與 Enzyme 公司並沒有貿易上的合作關係,純粹協助該公司的 Recruiter 張貼這份職
缺訊息,也與列位分享這個到加拿大工作的機會 翻譯社若有任何疑問,請直接聯絡該公司,我
沒法代為回覆,感謝。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
本篇文章引用自此: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/translator/M.1476029662.A.5BC.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社
- Dec 10 Sun 2017 22:04
[徵才] 加拿大遊戲公司徵求中文化專員