No need to laugh and cry沒必要大笑也不必哭泣
Up straight in the sunshine真的在陽光裏
The sunshine fills my hair陽光佈滿我髮間
No need to run and hide不必回避 也不要躲藏
第一影片(Black演唱)供給者:wwwvwvwv - Love songs
No need to run沒必要回避
Look at me here, here on my own again, oh看著我這裏 我在這裏又孤苦一人 噢
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美妙 美妙人生
No need to laugh and cry不必大笑也無須哭泣
作詞: Colin Vearncombe
Black的英文歌─Wonderful life─美好人生+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習
No need to run and hide不必回避 也不要潛藏
To make me happy, not so alone讓我樂意 不至於如斯孑立
And I need a friend, oh I need a friend我需要一名伴侶 噢 我需要一名朋侪
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美妙 美妙人生
The heat is in your hair熱氣在妳頭髮間
Up straight in the sunshine真的在陽光裏
It's a wonderful翻譯社 wonderful life這是個美好 美好人生
It's a wonderful翻譯社 wonderful life這是個美妙 美妙人生
No need to run and hide不必逃避 也不要躲藏
No need to run and hide不必逃避 也不要躲藏
There's magic everywhere四周佈滿奇異
Look at me here, here on my own again, oh看著我這裏 我在這裏又孤苦一人 噢
They seem to hate you它們似乎厭惡妳
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美妙 美妙人生
It's a wonderful翻譯社 wonderful life這是個美好 美好人生
It's a wonderful翻譯社 wonderful life這是個美好 美好人生
Wonderful life
Because you're there因為妳在何處
Wonderful life wonderful life美妙人生 誇姣人生
The sun's in your eyes陽光照在妳眼中
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美妙 美好人生
Up straight in the sunshine真的在陽光裏
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美妙 美妙人生
You know it feels unfair妳知道感受有些不公正
Here I go out to sea again瞧 我又再出去到海上
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個美好 誇姣人生
No need to laugh and cry不必大笑也無須哭泣
原唱: Black
No need to run and hide沒必要逃避 也不要潛藏
作曲: Colin Vearncombe
Look at me standing here on my own again看著我獨自佇立於此吧
第二影片提供者(僅卡拉OK伴唱):ferhat hoca
It's a wonderful, wonderful life這是個誇姣 美妙人生
And dreams hang in the air胡想懸在空中
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes鷗群在空中 且在我藍眸子中翺翔
It's a wonderful翻譯社 wonderful life這是個美好 美妙人生
No need to laugh and cry沒必要大笑也無須飲泣
on my own again=獨自或靠我本身
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